
Escape Advent Calendar 2022

Created by Insync Games

Returning for a third year. Escape Advent Calendars present their new design. Solve fun daily puzzles on your countdown to Christmas.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Artwork and surveys
almost 2 years ago – Wed, Jul 20, 2022 at 09:48:57 AM

Artwork has been sent and final proofs arrived.

Hello everyone, we are just sending a quick update about what is happening.  We have sent off the artwork for final printing as per schedule. Also the milk chocolate and jelly beans have been ordered and are being sent to the manufacturer for placement later on this month.


We will be sending out surveys for delivery address within the next week.  This will be coming from BackerKit so please check your junk mail folders if you have not received them within the next 2 weeks. We have also added the possibility to get more add ons, including the wooden Puzzle-A-Day calendar from DragonFjord that we sell on our website. Great for a stocking filler. 

We will be sending the first set of surveys to the early bird backers first and then follow with all of the other pledges later in the week.

When filling in the survey, please make sure that you using the address you will want the calendars sent too in November. There will be to confirm this when we are ready to deliver.



We did it!
almost 2 years ago – Fri, Jun 24, 2022 at 05:25:39 AM

Campaign has ended, the work begins

First of all, a huge thank to everyone who supported this project, from the smallest pledge to the largest, from our backers from our last campaign and our newest supporters. You all now have yourself a beautiful looking calendar that you can solve and enjoy during the countdown to Christmas. 

It is the end of a campaign and now starts the manufacturing. It's all hands on deck to get these into production now. Calendar artwork has already been sent for review.  We aim to ship these at the end of October to get to you by the beginning of December, we will be in touch with further updates on production.

What now?

Now, we will be sending out surveys to all our backers to collect addresses to be delivered too. This will happen in the next two weeks and we will send an update for when we send them so you can check your email addresses.

We have joined with Backerkit to handle our pledge manager add ons and new pre order page coming soon. 

So if you didn't manage to get one in the campaign you can get them from our pre order store.

We have also added another Add-on to our store. The Puzzle-A-Day calendar from DragonFjord, where you must try to make today's date using all the pieces of the puzzle. A great gift for someone if you enjoy our  Escape calendars already.  We offered to our Backers last year and it was a huge hit so we are offering it to you again.

In the next two weeks, BackerKit will begin collecting funds from you. Now is a great time to check and make sure your payment details are all up-to-date. If payments fail, it could cancel your pledge and you won't get your yummy calendars, so please check before it becomes an issue, we don't want you to be disappointed.

We will be in touch shortly.

Thank you again for your support, keep puzzling.

Regards Jason

Insync Games

New Stretch Goal
almost 2 years ago – Sat, Jun 11, 2022 at 01:21:58 AM

Hello Everyone!

Not that long to go until the end of the campaign. Lets keep this going as much as we can. Please spread the word.

We have added an extra stretch goal with a new thing we are trying... scratch off. 

You know those cards you scratch with a coin, we have made a calendar using this method. Each tree will have baubles that may spell a word or be complete gibberish. When you scratch off a tree maybe some of the baubles will remain, could be a clue for the next one or part of a bigger puzzle?

If you are unsure of the correct tree to go to next (not only will we have our hint page) but you can scratch just the star on top to reveal the number of the next day to know you are on the right track.

 If we reach the stretch goal of £26,000 every pledge will receive a scratch off calendar. This won't even cost extra to ship to you and it is just under the size of the Puzzling Round the Christmas Tree calendar.

 New Pledge level.
 Some backers have requested a level that can provide more of the Puzzling Round the Christmas Tree. We have put up the 'Swweet' reward tier for you. Providing 10 calendars at a reasonable price of £12 per calendar. 

We hope you enjoy the last weeks of the campaign, we will be updating with ideas for next years calendars and some of our plans for the future.

Thank you to everyone who filled out our survey on the update#2, we have got some very useful feedback. Thank you.  If you would like to still help us with our new calendar theme, the survey link is still open on Update #2.

Thank you for supporting us.


We are working on future projects and would like your opinion.
almost 2 years ago – Mon, Jun 06, 2022 at 03:20:22 PM

Hello everyone

We are working on a new design of for an 'Escape' advent calendar for the future. Something completely different than before. Imagine create your own adventure mixed with rolling dice and Escape Room elements. If this is something that interests you we would like your opinion.

Please click on the image above or click the link below for our 2 minute survey. It is anonymous and you don't need to leave an email.


Thank you for your time.



Insync Games

UK Games Expo
almost 2 years ago – Mon, Jun 06, 2022 at 02:00:54 PM

A big hello from anyone who has come here from the UK Games Expo.

If you have been following, yes we had a stall at the Expo showing our range of calendars for this year. Lots of positive feedback  and so much love for this product it is overwhelming.  We are going to have to get our heads together to make more designs.

Please keep spending the word and lets keep this Kickstarter going........ a surprise update coming soon.

